
"What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes."  -Marcus Tullius Cicero

"There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot."  -Aldo Leopold

Making the decision to homeschool is a deeply personal decision for every family.  The process for parents usually begins when children are very young and involves questions about time, money and lifestyle. Sometimes, it begins later if the school environment isn't meeting the needs of the child.  It takes courage and resources to decide on a new, more effective path.  If we try X, what will the result be?  How do time and finances play into path A or path B? Considering choices is difficult and it takes time to choose the right direction.  Each bit of list making, research and conversations helps to better guide decisions.  What is important to you- time, money, outdoor free play, peer socialization, culture, quaility of education, the right learning programs to enroll in?  Will you committ to years of homeschooling, or is this a gap year?   How do the parents time committments factor in with work schedules and family finances? How much time do you enjoy spending with your child?  

Every family's homeschooling experience is different and unique.  Some are part of a cooperative, some are independent. Some families are unschoolers, some are Christian-based, some follow set curriculums, some engage private tutors, and some are online schoolers.  As time progresses and our kids grow, I am both amazed and encouraged by their authentic, courageous, and real selves emerging.  We try to follow their wisdom and let them lead when appropriate.  Every day- is this going well? Are the plans we made yesterday still feasible ideas today?  What risk/benefit suits them, and us?  Time management, level of stress?  What about giving more of ourselves?  What could we improve on?  What should we consider next?  Plans for high school learning?  What should we begin considering for college plans?  Homeschooling is more life-schooling than we ever anticipated.  There is no going back.  We follow their leads and lead in turn.  It is a beautiful dance, with constant management for the flow and the direction. It constantly evolves with our children's growth, interests, activities, lessons, needs, and our other work/life balances.  Your choices will affect your family in tremendous ways.  Both support and resources are vital for the success of each child.

The resources page directs you to some of the research and sources I have and continue to use and be inspired by. Finding your village is key to this journey.